Tri-M Community Service- ‘Tis the Season for Giving’

School is off and running, musical auditions are underway, KMEA Fall District meetings have commenced, and fall concerts are coming up fast! Before you know it, the Winter Break is looming on the horizon. So what community service project should we do for Tri-M? No time to research or think of a great idea? Have no fear; we have done the work for you! Here are some great ideas from our Kansas Tri-M chapters for community service ideas that focus on the Fall/Winter Holidays.
Harvest Time means Candy Corn and Trick or Treat!

Fall is a great time to embrace the start of the giving season. Consider participating in a community trunk or treat by running a game booth or handing out candy. Columbus High School’s Tri-M Chapter participates in their community Trunk or Treat with members dressing in theme costumes each year. This past year Christmas was the theme, complete with a Scrooge sporting bag of coal and greeting guests with a happy “Bah-humbug.” No time to work an event? You may also choose to partner with a local Trunk-or-Treat by donating “Teal Pumpkin” items. Teal pumpkins contain non-food items such as toys or trinkets for those with food allergies so all may have a safe and enjoyable Halloween. See the link below for more information about the Teal Pumpkin Project.
Concerts for Cans
Harvest time is not as bountiful for all. Consider taking your Tri-M members to a local food pantry or work with Harvesters to provide pantry items for those in need. Your chapter can host a canned food drive. Your chapter may also consider adopting a family for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Northwest High School’s Tri-M Chapter hosted a canned food drive at their winter band/choir/orchestra concerts and donated their items to the Wichita Food Bank

Change Drives drive Change
Change drives are a quick and easy way to give back to your community and donate to a worthy cause. To make it even more fun, create a competition to see which class raises the most money. The choirs and bands compete to see which class raises the highest percentage per student. (i.e., Concert Choir raises $150 with 50 members; this equates to $3.00 per student. The Jazz Band raises $100 with 20 members; this equates to $5.00 per student. So the Jazz Band would win the competition). The winning class gets brownies and Chex mix! You would be amazed at how quickly change jars and cars are emptied of spare change when there is a food reward on the line. Piper High School’s Tri-M Chapter hosts an annual fall change drive with the proceeds going to various charities. Over the years the PHS Change Drive has donated to Foundation for Small Voices, Band of Angels, Harvesters and Give a Note Foundation. See the links below for more information on these charity organizations.
- Foundation for Small Voices:
- Meyer Music Band of Angels:
- Give a Note Foundation:
- Harvesters:
The Stockings were Hung
Christmas is the time for giving, and our Tri-M kids have hearts of gold and busy schedules. Many music programs provide music for Holiday Tree lighting ceremonies, Breakfasts with Santa, caroling at retirement centers and a multitude of Holiday concerts. When do you have time to do more? Here are a few quick and easy holiday ideas for your chapter to give back to your local or the global community.
Toys for Tots is a great way for your chapter to help out during the holiday season without adding time to their already busy schedules. Consider partnering with a local Toys for Tots drop off station or contact to set-up your own drop station.

Piper High School Tri-M students participated in Operation Christmas Child this past year. Students found this project to be the most rewarding because they felt like they were making a difference in the lives of the kids who received their gifts. Because each shoebox contains different items including educational, clothing, and hygiene items in addition to a toy, the chapter worked in teams to fill the boxes. This year’s shoebox week is November 18-25. Visit the website linked below for more information.
Whether big or small, your Tri-M Chapter can make a difference in our schools, community, and our world. We can’t wait to see what great ideas you and your chapter come up with. Please share pictures of your chapter in action or your service ideas at