Welcome back to another exciting year of music education in Kansas! The KSHSAA and KMEA continue to collaborate to make music in Kansas one of the best in our nation! I would like to thank all the amazing music teachers across Kansas for providing your young musicians. One of the many wonderful aspects of my KSHSAA position is witnessing the wonderful music teaching that is being demonstrated in our state each and every day. You definitely make a difference in the lives of thousands of kids every day!
A few points of emphasis for the 2018-19 school year:
2018-19 KSHSAA and KMEA Classifications:
These are different from the School Classifications and are unique to Music only.
- 6A – 32 schools
- 5A – 32 schools
- 4A – 56 schools
- 3A – 64 schools
- 2A – 64 schools
- 1A – 107 schools (Approximate)
We will be emailing all high school music teachers, AD’s and Building Principals the 2018-19 Music Classifications lists in late September after the September 20th count is finalized here in the KSHSAA office.
KMEA Festivals Committee/KSHSAA Regional Music Festival New Proposal: We will be moving away from a small school/large school approach for the two weekends to a more geographical design. KMEA plans to survey this in 2018-19. Please participate in the survey!
The National Federation of High Schools: NFHS is doing a great job of reaching out to music teachers and music adjudicators in our nation. I want to make you aware of four free online music courses that are available at www.nfhslearn.com.
- Understanding Copyright and Compliance: This course should be taken by ALL K-12 and College/University music teachers! Not complying with music copyright laws could potentially cost you and/or your school district $150,000.00 per infraction. You need to educate yourself on all copyright laws and what is legal and not legal. This course was written in partnership by the NFHS and NAfME.
- Introduction to Interscholastic Music: Designed to provide an overview of best practices in the music classroom and interscholastic music competitions. The skills taught in this course introduce and reinforce time tested guidelines and techniques that music educators of any level of proficiency can use in directing music programs across the United States. Although this course is useful at any point of a music teacher’s career, this course is best fit for music educators in their beginning years. Upon completion of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge necessary to develop the strategies and tools needed to be successful in the music classroom.
- Introduction to Music Adjudication: Designed to provide an overview of music adjudication and the best practices for many adjudicating situations. The skills taught in this course introduce and reinforce time tested guidelines and techniques that adjudicators of any level of proficiency have successfully used to adjudicate interscholastic solo and small ensemble music festivals.
- Interscholastic Music Event Management (Should be available in September, 2018): Designed to provide an overview of management and best practices for hosting music events. These events provide a setting outside of the classroom for students to showcase their musicianship, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills. As a contest, festival, or honor group manager, you serve a crucial role in creating a positive and efficient environment for student success. The skills taught in this course introduce and reinforce time tested guidelines and techniques that music event managers with any level of hosting experience can utilize to efficiently and successfully manage interscholastic music events.
Besides these NFHS courses, the KSHSAA and KMEA strongly recommend that all Kansas music adjudicators view the KSHSAA/KMEA Online Music Adjudicator Training videos. This adjudication training video is divided into two sections, Part 1: The General Adjudicating Philosophy with Rules and Regulations that will provide guidance to the novice adjudicator and also remind the veteran adjudicator of important information. It is divided into three five minute videos. Each video will be followed by a question and answer section that requires 100% accuracy in order to continue. Part 2: Offers hands-on instruction from qualified music adjudicators for Band, Choir, and Orchestra. Each different genre lasts approximately one hour to view. Please contact Craig Manteuffel, cmanteuffel@kshsaa.org or Kathy Wilhelm, kwilhelm@kshsaa.org to receive your login and password in order to participate. Our Kansas high school musicians deserve quality music adjudication, so get signed up today!
I hope you have a wonderful school year as you create beautiful music with your students. If my office can assist you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me or Kathy Wilhelm, my assistant. The KSHSAA office phone number is (785) 273-5329.