Greetings from Topeka!
Welcome back to another exciting year of music education in Kansas! I would like to thank KMEA leadership and all the amazing music teachers across Kansas for doing an awesome job teaching our young musicians.
Please know that the Published Music Lists (PML) for KSHSAA State Large Group Music Festivals were updated this past summer and will be used from 2018 through 2020. I would like to thank the following people for stepping up to help review new pieces and for revising the much needed lists: Band Chair- Randy Fillmore, Lawrence Free State HS and committee members: Dr. Matthew Smith, University of Kansas; Dr. Martin Bergee, University of Kansas; Dr. Paul Popiel, University of Kansas, Larry Brownlee, Sterling HS; Mike Jones, Lawrence HS; Bill Thomas, Shawnee Mission West HS; Randy Fillmore, Free State HS; Damian Johnson, Eudora HS; Bev Lister, Berean Academy HS; Allen Hisken, Belle Plaine MS; Jayme Malsom, Holton HS; Eric Stambaugh, Buhler HS; Will Cooper, Baldwin City HS; Justin Love, Olathe North HS; and Michael Mapp, Washburn University. Choir Chair- Scott Hay, Wichita South HS and committee members, Greg Bontrager, Buhler 8-12 Vocal Music; Jonnie Bryce, Lansing HS; Steve Miller, Senseney Music; Susan Nelson, Oberlin/Decatur Community HS; Jennifer Potochnik, Wichita East; Bob Schofer, Lansing MS; Tiffani Thompson, Harmon HS. Orchestra Chair- Michelle Sweeten, Sumner Academy HS and committee member: Angela Diaw, KCK- Wyandotte HS.
The NFHS and the KSHSAA are excited to announce the availability of the 55th NFHS online education course on the NFHS Learning Center. “Understanding Copyright and Compliance”. This FREE course explains copyright laws and how it impacts the interscholastic community. The course discusses Fair Use, when a piece of music might be in the Public Domain, copyright infringement penalties and much more. This course has been designed for your specific needs whether you are a Music Teacher, Spirit Coach or School Administrator. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that our Kansas schools take advantage of this opportunity to take the course, especially those staff that are involved in the targeted audiences: Music Teachers, Spirit Coaches and School Administrators.
Besides the new music copyright course, the NFHS has two other courses specifically for music teachers and music adjudicators. Below is a brief description on each course. If you are interested please click www.nfhslearn.com and type the title of each course into the search window.
Introduction to Interscholastic Music
This course is designed to provide an overview of best practices in the music classroom and interscholastic music competitions.
The skills taught in this course introduce and reinforce time tested guidelines and techniques that music educators of any level of proficiency can use in directing music programs across the United States. Although this course is useful at any point of a music teacher’s career this course is best fit for music educators in their beginning years.
Upon completion of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge necessary to develop the strategies and tools needed to be successful in the music classroom.
Introduction to Music Adjudication
Designed to provide an overview of music adjudication and the best practices for many adjudicating situations. The skills taught in this course introduce and reinforce time tested guidelines and techniques that adjudicators of any level of proficiency have successfully used to adjudicate interscholastic solo and small ensemble music festivals.
The KSHSAA and KMEA also highly recommend that all Kansas music adjudicators view the KSHSAA/KMEA Online Music Adjudicator Training videos. This adjudication training video is divided into two sections, Part 1: The General Adjudicating Philosophy with Rules and Regulations that will provide guidance to the novice adjudicator and also remind the veteran adjudicator of important information. It is divided into three five minute videos. Each video will be followed by a question and answer section that requires 100% accuracy in order to continue. Part 2: Offers hands-on instruction from qualified music adjudicators for Band, Choir, and Orchestra. Each different genre lasts approximately one hour to view. Please contact Craig Manteuffel, cmanteuffel@kshsaa.org or Kathy Wilhelm, kwilhelm@kshsaa.org to receive your login and password in order to participate. Our Kansas high school musicians deserve quality music adjudication, so get signed up today!
The new KSHSAA Team Athletics Classifications have been voted on and approved for 2018-19 by our member schools. Here are the new TEAM numbers:
6A – 36 schools
5A – 36 schools
4A – 36 schools
3A – 64 schools
2A – 64 schools
1A – 117 schools (Approximate)
Music festival host site facilities for State Solos and Small Ensembles are currently full with the amount of entries we have; especially in the 6A, 5A, and 4A. It is not realistic to use the team classifications for music festivals for 6A and 5A. The KSHSAA classifications committee looked at total numbers of entries for music festivals and 32 schools is the maximum we can allow in 6A and 5A unless we want to lower the amount of entries for solos and small ensembles for each school. We will be discussing these numbers at an upcoming KMEA Festivals Committee meeting in October. We will start our discussion with the numbers below and decide what is best for music education at our KSHSAA spring music festivals for 2018-19 and beyond. There is flexibility in what music chooses as we move forward, but we will need to make decisions this school year, so we are ready to bring the music classifications to the KSHSAA Executive Board in April, 2018. If you have ideas or opinions on this subject, please email me your thoughts and I will convey your ideas at the fall meeting.
6A – 32 schools
5A – 32 schools
4A – 56 schools
3A – 64 schools
2A – 72 schools
1A – 100 schools (Approximate)
I hope you have a wonderful school year as you create beautiful music with your students. If my office can assist you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us. The KSHSAA office phone number is (785) 273-5329.